Whole Foods Market
Is Moss A Problem On Your Lawn?

The best way to tackle moss is to consider what conditions in and around your soil make it the perfect environment for moss to thrive in. Generally speaking, moss exists where the conditions are anything but good for turf. Compact soil, low fertility, soil acidity, excess moisture with bad drainage, inadequate soil depth and deep shade are all possible reasons why you may be growing moss instead of turf. The trick to keeping moss away is by promoting a healthy lawn.
Planting A Lawn By Hydroseeding

We at Pearl's Premium want you to have a great lawn. Because soil temperatures may be too high this time of the year in some parts of the country, please check your soil temperature on our website. On the home page in the upper left hand corner, click on the green button, "Is it grass planting time in my area"? Your local soil temperatures need to be between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. If in that range, you are ready to plant.
If hotter you have two options:
Pearl's Premium Saves You Time, Money & Water!
Pearl's Premium will save you hundred of dollars in lawn care! From watering, fertilizer, to moving each season! It is drought tolerant grass and grows slowly, and only needs to be cut once a month! What more could you ask for!
Why Choose Pearl’s Premium
Organic Lawn Seed!
Finally, a safe lawn seed! Pearl’s Premium Lawn Seed is all organic and safe for your entire family. Not only is it safe, but it is saving our water supply as well. It is estimated that lawn care uses 50% of our county’s potable water. With other lawn seeds, it might be necessary to have to water your lawn all the time, which is a waste. However, with Pearl’s Premium watering frequently is not necessary, and can help conserve the water.
Healthy Lawn Tips!
With Pearl's Premium Lawn Seed, you can not only have a healthy and beautiful looking lawn, but can also be eco-friendly! Here are some tips on how to keep your lawn eco-friendly year round, as well as save dramatic amounts of time, money and water and prevent most weeds without resorting to harmful chemicals!
Low Maintenance and Beautiful Lawns!
How can a lawn be both low maintenance and beautiful? Pearl’s Premium lawn seed is how! With our grass seed blends we enable an ultra low maintenance approach to lawn care that can save you time and money! So you can look forward to less mowing, watering and treating!
Pearl's Premium
Pearl's Premium
We Americans love our lawns but we are addicted to high maintenance lawn care. Protecting our waters depends critically on changing how we care for our lawns. With input from independent grass seed scientists, we tested thousands of seed mixes to create a truly low maintenance, patent-pending solution. Once established, Pearl's Premium rarely, or never, needs watering; grows very slowly and thrives without chemicals. This absolutely the way to go for low maintenance lawn care.
Sailors, Tall Oaks and Chillin at Travilah

We've been on the road a while now, and I'm getting the hang of Pearl's Premium demonstrations and Whole Foods Markets. Each one is a little different: the Mt. Washington store in Baltimore is housed in an old brick mill building in a block of cute indy shops and nice spots ourside to sit and have some lunch or read a book... very cool!