Sailors, Tall Oaks and Chillin at Travilah

We've been on the road a while now, and I'm getting the hang of Pearl's Premium demonstrations and Whole Foods Markets. Each one is a little different: the Mt. Washington store in Baltimore is housed in an old brick mill building in a block of cute indy shops and nice spots ourside to sit and have some lunch or read a book... very cool! The Annapolis store is brand new and on a hot sunny day like Saturday, it was nice to be in the indoor floral area in the entrance.
Speaking of Annapolis, I’ve never seen so many sailors in my life! Too bad they don't need grass seed on ships!
I dropped Jackson off at BWI on Sunday morning (Pearl's birthday is tomorrow and, yes, there actually is a Pearl). Then, I headed to the Rockville and Gaithersburg Whole Foods Markets. After my demos I stopped at Travilah Oak Market, a wireless hotspot near Gaithersburg and next to the oldest oak (so they say) in the state. Check out the photo; looks pretty old to me.
The store owner and I chatted about music and local culture and, of course, sustainable landscaping and lawn care. Good place. Check it out on Travilah Oak Market's Facebook page.