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New Lawn Installation

Pearl's Premium is an excellent choice for new lawns.

Simplified Instructions for New Lawns with Pearl’s Lawn Seed:

  • Install 3" - 4" of good loosened topsoil (ideally with organic compost mixed in) but can be as little as an inch or two
  • Spread an organic fertilizer
  • Spread Pearl's Premium lawn seed according to the concentration shown on the back of the bag
  • Water in the morning for one month*
  • Consider using an organic fertilizer, or compost (1/4")
  • Once lawn seed is established, cut 3.5 inches high and always with a sharp lawn mower blade
  • Over-seed the following spring or fall to ensure thickest possible lawn

Detailed Instructions (New Lawn) for the Ultimate Green Lawn:

  • Install Topsoil Bed: Install 3" - 4" of good loosened topsoil to provide healthy bed for grass to grow in. If you are ordering soil for delivery, ask for a high quality loam that has been screened for inorganic materials (e.g. rocks, trash) and has organic compost mixed in. Rake to smooth soil
  • Add Nutrients: Spread small amount of organic compost, 1/4 inch layer which equals 3/4 cu. yard for every 1,000 sq ft to help start seeds. This fertilizes your lawn for a year and helps keep out future weeds and grubs. Chose organic compost or fertilizer for healthiest living environment.
  • Spread Seed at 10 lbs. per 1000 Sq.ft. to ensure a thick lawn. Apply with a spreader going in two directions at right angles to each other for even spread. Gently rake into soil to just barely be covered.
  • Consider Hydro-Seeding: You may want to hire a professional to HYDRO-SEED if your lawn has  substantial slope or you are seeding under doubtful weather conditions (e.g. early/late season frost or late spring/late summer heat). Make sure they add a tackifier (a glue like mixture) to the HYDRO-SEED mix to ensure the seeds stay in place until germination occurs.
  • Optionally, if you have a roller, roll seeds into dirt with an empty to 1/4-full roller (no more water than 1/4 to not compact soil). Rolling seeds in for good soil contact is especially important if you have any kind of slope to prevent erosion.
  • Water every day (if it does not rain) for 3 weeks in the early morning for 20 minutes. Set up an automatic timer if you cannot do it regularly. In warmer weather or for well-drained soil, water a second time for 20 minutes at 2 pm. Never water after 5 pm in the evening to avoid encouraging fungal disease.  After 3 weeks once it sprouts, cut back to watering every 2 days, for the next 2 weeks.  Adjust watering for your soil to stay moist but avoid puddling overnight. If you seed in the spring, supplemental watering may be required (for the first year only) during hot summer (or drought) periods. In such cases, water one inch, once per week, in the morning. If you seed in the fall, after one month of watering you can stop watering. Watering to get established is essential but after that watering will actually help the weeds and old grasses more than the Pearl's Premium.
  • Over-seed Next Season: Cut with sharp blade when lawn is dry; cut grass in stages, 1/3 of grass height at a time, cutting back to 1” tall; rake away clippings, and over-seed at 8 lbs. per 1000 Sq.ft. to later shade the soil and prevent weeds from starting in June. This second seeding (over-seeding) is very important to help out-compete weeds, cover any bald patches and correct erosion/damage and thicken the lawn. Water for a month (same as above).

Enjoy your lush organic lawn!

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For a copy of these instructions in a printable, pdf format, click here.

*Using the USDA Hardiness Zone Map, Pearl's may need supplemental watering after established in Zones 7-10.  Please note that you still should be able to cut back your watering by 75%!  Zones 2-6 should water once a week deeply during drought times if possible, during the first 18 months until roots are able to tap into natural water and nutrients.