Ultra Low Maintenance Lawn Seed
Healthy Lawn Tips!
With Pearl's Premium Lawn Seed, you can not only have a healthy and beautiful looking lawn, but can also be eco-friendly! Here are some tips on how to keep your lawn eco-friendly year round, as well as save dramatic amounts of time, money and water and prevent most weeds without resorting to harmful chemicals!
Low Maintenance and Beautiful Lawns!
How can a lawn be both low maintenance and beautiful? Pearl’s Premium lawn seed is how! With our grass seed blends we enable an ultra low maintenance approach to lawn care that can save you time and money! So you can look forward to less mowing, watering and treating!
Pearl's Premium
Pearl's Premium
We Americans love our lawns but we are addicted to high maintenance lawn care. Protecting our waters depends critically on changing how we care for our lawns. With input from independent grass seed scientists, we tested thousands of seed mixes to create a truly low maintenance, patent-pending solution. Once established, Pearl's Premium rarely, or never, needs watering; grows very slowly and thrives without chemicals. This absolutely the way to go for low maintenance lawn care.
Grass Looks Good in Green Roof Experiment
We have been so busy helping people and organizations convert their existing lawns to Pearl's Premium low maintenance sustainable lawns that we don't always have time to do the new things we know we need to do.
So, the day before my extended family was coming to town was probably not the time to install a green roof. But when the inspiration strikes and the window opens...
Here's our Pearl's Premium green roof demonstration project.
Send Us Packing! Help Pearl's Premium Sell Grass Seed Around the World
The polls may have closed on the U.S. elections, but
you can still vote for Pearl's Premium in the British Airways Face the Opportunity Contest
The contest gives small businesses the chance to win free round trip airfare to anywhere in the British Airways network. So, they can see their opportunities face-to-face.
MassChallenge Win Resounding Validation for our Sustainable Lawn Care Mission
We did it! Pearl’s Premium won a $50,000 cash prize at the MassChallenge international competition for innovative ideas.
Pearl's Premium Blog: A Tale of Two Lawns
To paraphrase the opening of Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities, "it was the best of times and the worst of times." He could as easily have been describing the year 2010. We find ourselves in a time of great economic and environmental challenge. Of all the challenges water is the sleeping giant that must be dealt with. And one of the greatest challenges to clean, clear drinking water is the ever-present lawn that surrounds our homes and businesses.