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2 Lawns Blog

Let the "Johnny Grass Seed" Tour Begin!

Apr 7 2010
Annmarie's picture


As a landscaper with an interest in protecting our Earth and my clients, their pets and families, Pearl's Premium seemed like a perfect solution to reconcile my environmental conscience and desire for a lush, green lawn. 

A few months ago I was invited to join the talented team behind the scenes at Pearl's Premium to help spread the word about Pearl's Premium and sustainable lawn care.  I eagerly accepted.  After lots of prep Jackson and I have embarked on a 12 state Johnny Grass Seed tour of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region.

We are traveling in a low impact trailer that only reduces our gas mileage by one gallon per one hundred miles, self contained and budget-wise.  I look forward to meeting all of you and hearing what America has to say about truly green lawns. 

Pearl's Premium Blog: A Tale of Two Lawns

Apr 6 2010
Jackson Madnick's picture

To paraphrase the opening of Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities, "it was the best of times and the worst of times." He could as easily have been describing the year 2010. We find ourselves in a time of great economic and environmental challenge. Of all the challenges water is the sleeping giant that must be dealt with. And one of the greatest challenges to clean, clear drinking water is the ever-present lawn that surrounds our homes and businesses.