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Farm Show Magazine gives Pearl's Premium Thumbs Up

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If you were a farmer, you'd know Farm Show magazine. Its like the Consumer Reports for the barnyard. They don't take advertising and do all their own product reviews. So, we were pretty excited when they bought some of our seed last fall.

The contributing editor who did the testing picked out two tough spots - along a shady driveway once covered in wood chips and over an old gravel driveway "where its very difficult to grow anything." Thanks!

So, how did Pearl's Premium do? Here's what he wrote, "I was absolutely amazed at the way the grass was up and growing in a week. By the time winter came, it was well-established. This spring the grass came up strong. We haven't done any additional fertilizing. It's green and looking good... so far, I'm very impressed."

He's promised to write again in the summer to assess how Pearl's Premium fares without watering in the hot Minnesota summer sun.

Read full article.