Q: If we had a lot of grubs before, would it hurt to put down milky spore and/or nematodes?
A: Milky spore works best with two applications one week apart. Over time you should have fewer grubs due to the deep roots and dryier soil that constitutes Pearl’s Premium grass. Also, grubs need constantly moist soil. They move away when you stop watering after one month, and the 12-inch roots are able to withstand some grub damage. Typically, 1 to 4 grubs per square foot will not cause problems; but more than about 8 to 12 per square foot will need treatment by milky spore or nematodes.
Q: What should I do about falling leaves and pine needles?
A: Do not leave fall leaves on new grass for more than a week, as the shading and leaf acid tannins will kill new grass. Carefully remove leaves by gently blowing them off when they are dry and light, after the grass has come up. The new sprout has to be at least a week old before blowing off any leaves or pine needles. Be very careful not to disturb the seed bed.
Q: Are there artificial or genetically modified seeds in Pearl's Premium grass seed?
A: No. All seeds are either native or adapted to North America. They are natural and healthy for your children and animals to play on. If you stop using chemical lawn products, your lawn will transition to a healthier, more sustainable lawn.
Q: What is the shelf life and how should I store Pearl's Premium?
A: Store it in a cool dry space inside a plastic or metal tub (mice love it). If stored properly, Pearl's Premium will remain optimally effective for 18 months after packaging or for several years at a lower sprouting rate. Avoid storing it where it may be exposed to extreme heat or freezing.
Q: Is Pearl's Premium safe for forage?
A: No, Pearl’s Premium would not be safe for horses and cows since the seed blend is naturally endophyte enhanced (to keep away bugs) which might cause stomach distress in horses, cows, goats and deers, all animals whose main diet is the grass. Dogs, who only nibble on the grass, should be OK.