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Is Pearl’s Premium good for sun, shade and deep shade?

Q: Is Pearl’s Premium good for sun, shade and deep shade?
A: Pearl's Premium will grow well almost anywhere. (Unless the soil stays wet all the time or does not drain). We have two different seed mixes, each custom blended for different amounts of sun. Choose either the "Sunny Mix" for areas with full sun down to 50% sun per day or the "Shady Mix", for 50 percent sun or partial to full shade.

How can I store my seed over the winter?

Q: How can I store my seed over the winter?

What should I do to prepare my newly planted lawn for the winter?

Q: What should I do to prepare my newly planted lawn for the winter? The Pearl’s Premium grass is now 2-3 inches tall; the remaining old grass is about five inches tall, and I have a lot of fallen leaves in some areas. Should I mow? Should I blow or rake the leaves off of the new grass?

A: In the fall, use a leaf blower to remove most of the leaves. If you do not have a blower, carefully rake away dry leaves. Then, check to make sure your mower blade is sharp.

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Ways To Make The Most of Your Lawn

Each year, American homeowners collectively spend millions of dollars on lawn care products -- everything from drought resistant grass to ultra-organic mulch, a new sprinkler head that uses less water, and computer controls that tie into the local weather to use less water when it is not so hot or rain is predicted. Consumers are more than willing to snap it up to the latest fad or innovation. But if you aren't using the right basic lawn care "best management practices" and techniques -- the grass -- is going to suffer.