--Mow once a week in the summer or 20 times a year at a cost of $40 / mow with current grass
--Mow ONLY 5 times (at most) / year with Pearl’s Premium Ultra Low Maintenance Grass Seed
--Three 5 lb bags of Pearl’s Premium cover 3000 sq/ft at $32.95 / bag
--A typical lawn needs 1 inch of water/week or 0.623 gallons of water per sq/ft.
--Water and Sewage charges are $6.50 / 1000 gallons or $12.15 per watering
--A typical lawn is watered 28 weeks / year or $340.20 / annual cost
--Pearl's Premium is watered to get established, then seldom watered again
--A typical lawn is fertilized 6 times / year at a cost of $65 annually
--List Price of 5 lb bag of Pearl’s Premium Ultra Low Maintenance Grass Seed is $32.95 – covers 1000 sq/ft
--Price at Whole Foods for a 5 lb bag of Pearl’s Premium is $32.95
--List Price of 10lb bag of Scott’s EZ Seed is $28.94 (often priced higher) – covers 210 sq/ft